Zehus BIKE a 3 velocità e kit Efneo Gtro



Zehus Bike

Zehus BIKE a 3 velocità e kit Efneo Gtro


La richiesta è di una bici tutta per lui, tanta voglia di pedalare per andare al lavoro senza fare tanta fatica e con la possibilità di poter agganciare il seggiolino bimbi 😉 .

Claudio si è avvicinato alla Mopbike grazie alla woman Jaguar e si è subito innamorato. Ha approfondito chi sono e come lavoro e non ha avuto dubbi: telaio alluminio e forcella carbonio, ruota profilo alto, manubrio con cestino integrato in alluminio, la propulsione Zehus e cambio Efneo Gtro.

La particolarità di questo progetto è l’utilizzo congiunto del motore Zehus BIKE Gen 2 con il cambio EFNEO Gtro a 3 rapporti nel movimento centrale.

Dai primi test effettuati dopo aver montato l’inedita “coppia”, sono rimasto molto soddisfatto, anche perché l’ho messa subito sotto torchio nel mio tratto di strada-test in salita.

Il motore generazione 2 spinge bene e il cambio è fluido nella cambiata; si sente un po’ la differenza di rapporti tra il primo e il terzo per ovvi motivi di utilizzo.



Claudio Simbula

I fell in love with the looks of the green Jaguar Woman and contacted Massimo Pavan, owner of Mopbike, for information and the possibilities of assembly. A true artisan with a passion for the bicycle craft. After various talks, I came to an order for the e-Woman. During the project, each time new updates which gives you a good feeling as a customer. His knowledge and craftsmanship splashes of of it and after 12 weeks the bike was ready to collect. Unfortunately due to COVID 19 and the travel restrictions I was not able to meet the artisan himself and collect the e-bike myself. With a slight delay I received the mopbike, which unfortunately had some damage to the frame during transport...
With advice from Massimo, we managed to solve the damage ourselves by being creative with the solutions that were available. A tricolore after plastering and sanding made the damage disappear.
It's a pity that the damage claim was unsuccessful, but extremely satisfied with the end result. I feel like a mini artisan and I was able to give my own twist to the e-bike, which makes it feel even more personal.
The riding characteristics are very positive and the Efneo shifting system works very smoothly.
In the meantime, 280 km have been covered and now that the weather is becoming more inviting here in the Netherlands, more kilometres will certainly be covered this summer.
Top product, good quality, not cheap but definitely a unique piece of artisan craftsmanship.
If you want a unique bike with any e-bike application, Mopbike is the place to be. Personal contact and guidance throughout the process are key.
Grazie Massimo!

ColoreBeige Mopbike
CambioEFNEO Gtro 3 speeds
MotoreZehus BIKE Gen 2
Potenza250 W
Batteria30v Li-ion 173Wh
Autonomia60 km max
Peso3 kg